Company name COGICOGI Co, Ltd.
Representative Nakajima Motoaki
Location Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 6-28-5
TEL 0800-170-5959
Prices Described in the price plan page
Required additional tax and commmission Consumption tax and transfert commission
Time and method of payment The payments are made by credit card. During the registration, and in the current month in case of extra charge.
Delivery, when and how You can immediately start after the payment. (If a COGICOGI card is required, please wait until the arrival of the card.)
Return an Cancellation conditions As long as it is within the contract period, it will be possible to cancel at any time. The Cancellation will be operative the next month. Cancellation can be make on the website. Please note that is not possible to get refound within the current month. You must cancel before the begining of the month.
Defective handling conditions Due to the nature of the product, returned goods are not accepted.